Joke quotes

por | 24 diciembre, 2021

Joke quotes

Joke quotes, How long do you plan to stay? A lifetime or just make coffee?

I want to kiss you fast.

Me trying not to fall in love and you appear with that smile.

Joke quotes
Joke quotes

I don’t need a prince to rescue me, I need you.

We probably have a lot in common, how about we find out?

Joke quotes

You should not waste time looking for your better half, you have already found it!

I didn’t believe in love at first sight, until I saw you arrive.

sarcastic inspirational quotes

Is your mom by any chance the owner of a flower shop? Because you are a beautiful flower.

We still do not know each other, we must solve that problem.

I love being single, but I would think about it for you.

You are like to invite yourself to sleep and stay awake all night.

I wanted to tell you that I like you, but to be honest: I love you!

What discovery has been the most important in your life? Netflix or mangoes?

Let’s get controversial: pizza with pineapple, yes or no?

Do you like cats or dogs more?

I love your biography, can I be part of it?

funny alcohol quotes

I love your face, I would like to know if your personality is that beautiful.

You are so sweet that I could become a diabetic.

Is this a dream or are you real?

Do you like cowboy movies? Well, let’s cut the detours and go get a beer.

Funny quotes about myself, funny quotes, quotes, love funny quotes, Funny jokes quotes, Funny sayings, Funny inspirational quotes

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