Short quotes about smile

por | 11 agosto, 2021

Short quotes about smile

Short quotes about smile , The smile is one of the most beautiful expressions of human beings and with which we can get to transmit different feelings. It has a lot of power and, in addition, it is a facial expression that has the same meaning in different cultures. Over the years, the importance of smiling has been talked about, for this reason, we bring you the sweetest and most beautiful smile phrases that have ever been spoken.

Short quotes about smile
Short quotes about smile

Short quotes about smile

The smile costs less than electricity and gives more light. Scottish proverb Miscellaneous / Smile Smile even if it is only a sad smile, because sadder than the sad smile, it is the sadness of not knowing how to smile.

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Anonymous Miscellaneous / Smile A smile means a lot. It enriches those who receive it; without impoverishing those who offer it. It lasts a second but its memory, sometimes, is never erased. Anonymous Miscellaneous / Smile

Short quotes about smile
Short quotes about smile

A big smile is a beautiful giant’s face. Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) French writer, poet and critic. Miscellaneous / Smile It takes forty muscles to wrinkle a forehead, but only fifteen to smile. Swami Sivananda Miscellaneous / Smile

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 It is easier to get what you want with a smile than with the tip of the sword. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) British writer. Miscellaneous / Smile The smile is a true vital force, the only one capable of moving the unshakable. Orison Swett Marden (1850-1924) Self-help book writer. Miscellaneous / Smile

Short quotes about smile
Short quotes about smile

There are smiles that are not of happiness, but of a way of crying with kindness. Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) Chilean writer. Miscellaneous / Smile

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There is no serious thing that cannot be said with a smile. Alejandro Casona (1903-1965) Spanish playwright. Miscellaneous / Smile The smile is the general language of intelligent men. Only the stupid and the delinquents are sad. Víctor Ruiz Iriarte (1912 -1982) Spanish playwright. Miscellaneous / Smile

Short quotes about smile
Short quotes about smile

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Start each day with a smile and keep it up all day. W. C. Fields (1879-1946) American actor and comedian. Miscellaneous / Smile He whose smile beautifies him is good; the one whose smile disfigures him is bad Hungarian proverb Miscellaneous / Smile short quotes

Short quotes about smile
Short quotes about smile

The makeup that beautifies the most is a sincere smile. Anonymous Miscellaneous / Smile The child recognizes the mother by the smile. Leon Tolstoi (1828-1910) Russian writer.

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