Poems about life journey

por | 25 enero, 2024

Poems about life journey

I finally find your kiss, with your tenderness, like the river with all the plain and thirst with water without shores.

14. The sea and you, by Julia de Burgos

The rush of the sea upon my door, It’s a blue sensation between my fingers, and your impetuous jump for my spirit,  It is no less blue, it seems eternal to me.

All the color of awakened aurora

Poems about happiness

the sea and you swim to meet me, and in madness of loving me until the shipwreck

They are breaking the ports and the oars.

If I had a boat of seagulls, for just a moment to stop them, and shout my voice to fight

in a simple mystery duel!

May each other find their own voice, Let them intertwine their dreams in the wind,

let stars be in your eyes so that they give, united, their sparkles.

15. If you love me, love me whole, by Dulce María Loynaz

English poems

If you love me, love me whole, not by areas of light or shadow…

If you love me, love me black and white, and grey, green, and blonde, and brunette… Love me day,love me night…

And early morning at the open window!…

If you love me, don’t cut me off:

Love me all… Or don’t love me!

Poems with explanation

16. Autumn, by Rubén Dario, I know there are those who say: why don’t you sing now

with that harmonious madness of yesteryear?

They do not see the profound work of the hour, the work of the minute and the prodigy of the year.

I, poor tree, produced, to the love of the breeze, When I began to grow, a vague and sweet sound.

The time of the youthful smile has passed: let the hurricane move my heart!

17. I love, you love, by Rubén Dario

Love, love, love, love always, with everything

the being and with the earth and with the sky, with the light of the sun and the dark of the mud; love for all science and love for all desire.

And when the mountain of life may it be hard and long and high and full of abysses, love the immensity that is lit with love and burn in the fusion of our very breasts!

18. With you, by Luis Cernuda

My land? My land is you.

Poems about life journey

My people?

My people are you.

Exile and death for me they are where you are not there And my life?

Tell me “my life, What is it, if it’s not you?

Poems to declare yourself and conquer

Poems about life short

You no longer have to search for the ideal message to dedicate to someone you like. In just one of these short love poems you have everything you need to reach the center of the heart of that person with whom you want to share your life.

These beautiful love poems have the right words to conquer

the most beautiful feelings. So in addition to thinking about phrases for your WhatsApp statuses to express your love, decide on one of these poems and send it to him without a doubt!

19. It burns in your eyes, by Antonio Machado

A mystery burns in your eyes, virgin elusive and companion. I don’t know if the fire is hate or love inexhaustible of your black ally.

Poems that can change your life, Poems about life that rhyme, Poems, love poems, Poems about life, for kids, quotes, short poems, poetry poems,

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