Short quotes deep about life

por | 23 julio, 2021

Short quotes deep about life

Short quotes deep about life , One of the worst situations that can happen to you in life is that someone disappoints you so much that you end up separating from that person.

Short quotes deep about life

 Disappointment can come from the hands of a love, but also from a friend you trusted or simply a family member who was not there with you when you needed it most.

Short new year quotes

 In this section you will find the best disappointment phrases that you will find on the internet, so that you can express your pain and sadness, feeling identified with many of these sad phrases that we have selected for you.

Short quotes deep about life
Short quotes deep about life

Sometimes, you need to read something that reminds you of that disappointing moment to realize that life is more beautiful than you think and that when you fall, you must get up, lean on those who really love you, and keep fighting, forgetting to those who let you down.

Short quote of the day

 • It’s crazy trying something with you, when I know I’m better off without your love. • When I let you go, my life got better.

 • I was nothing to you, and you were everything to me. • I do not regret having met you, but in believing that you were special when you were less than others.

Short quotes deep about life
Short quotes deep about life

• You should be given an Oscar for how you came to act in our relationship.

 • Although I can tell you that I trust you, inside you have disappointed me. • Your nice words won my heart, however your behavior tore it apart.

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 • Remember that a forever my love, can mean up to here everything has arrived.

 • I hope that this life gives you everything you deserve, which I know is very little

. • You broke the promise you made to love me unconditionally, I still keep fulfilling it, because the promises are for that.

Short quotes about strength

 • There is only one step from “Don’t disappoint me” to “Don’t disappoint me.”

 • It hurts my soul when I hear a “Thank you” from your mouth, when you should say “I love you”

Short quotes deep about life
Short quotes deep about life

 • Sometimes I don’t know what happens in my heart, it seems that it likes to suffer waiting for you to come back to me because I don’t accept that you have left.

• Congratulations! Every day that passes in my life, you are less important.

 • I wish that day comes when you realize all the damage you did to me and all that I am worth so that I can tell you to your face that I no longer care about you.

Short quotes deep about love

• Tonight when I went to throw out the garbage I remembered you.

 • They should give you an award for being so fake

Short quotes deep about love
Short quotes deep about love

. • People should bear in mind that some people deserve an opportunity, others do not even deserve the air you breathe.

 • With your departure my life may be filled with clouds and darkness, but the Sun always rises in the end, much more radiant than before

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. • Love is not demonstrated with words, but with deeds, and that is what you have lacked.

• In the bottom of my heart there is a pity because I miss you, but returning to you would be a huge mistake

Short quotes deep about love
Short quotes deep about love

. • When I saw you I fell in love instantly, but your disappointments made me forget you.

 • It is better to go from people who only love you when they are interested.

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• The damage you have done to me will take time to heal, but when it does, I will be stronger.

Short quotes deep about love
Short quotes deep about love

• You will never return, even if you tell me that everything is going to change, you will not be the same. • You have caused all my love to turn to pain

Small quotes on life

. • Love and friendship are like an eraser, for every mistake you make, it gets smaller until it disappears.

Short quotes deep about love
Short quotes deep about love

 • Turning the page is fine, but sometimes you have to burn the book and dump its ashes into the sea.

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