Time is short quotes

por | 27 julio, 2021

Time is short quotes

Time is short quotes , Time is that unit of measurement that sometimes feels eternal and other times it seems like it only lasts for an instant. It determines the moments that we live and, regardless of what we may think about its proportion, it is an immutable constant in our lives.

Time is short quotes

Everything we live is determined by time, and it is time itself that can change our perspective; For this and many other things, it has been one of the favorite reasons for reflection by thinkers and philosophers throughout our history, who have given us the best phrases about time.

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 Here is a selection of the best quotes, thoughts and phrases about time that you will surely be able to identify with, which will also make you reflect on how we use it and how to take advantage of it without wasting a single moment.

Time is short quotes
Time is short quotes

You will find phrases about time and love, life and death, which can inspire you depending on the moment you are going through.

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Five minutes is enough to dream a lifetime, that’s how relative time is. Has it happened to you? There is no better explanation about the relativity of time than this one that Mario Benedetti gives us.

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 The distinction between past, present, and future is just a stubbornly persistent illusion. Albert Einstein tells us about the perception we have of the temporality of the same instant, since every second that we live is past, present and future in itself.

 The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.

Time is short quotes
Time is short quotes

 This phrase of Leo Tolstoy is very true, because perseverance, for example, is made up of these two warriors. 4. It is strange that the years teach us patience; that the shorter the time, the greater our ability to wait. Elizabeth Taylor makes this interesting reflection on how the value we place on time changes as we get older.

 Love is space and time measured by the heart. The definition of time according to the French writer Marcel Proust

Time is short quotes

  Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Steve Jobs invites us to reflect on the way we live our life according to our own parameters or trying to satisfy those of others.

Time is short quotes
Time is short quotes

 The problem is that you think you have time. This phrase about the time of Buddha shows us the other side of the coin, when we procrastinate and stop doing things because we think we have a lot of time ahead of us.

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In all our actions, the right value and respect for time determines success or failure. Malcom X is a faithful believer in the importance of time.

Time is short quotes
Time is short quotes

The way we spend our time defines who we are. According to Jonathan Estrin, another way to get to know people is by observing how they spend their time.

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There is no memory that time does not erase or sorrow that death does not end. Miguel de Cervantes talks about one of the faculties that we give the most to time, this is, that of healing wounds

Time is short quotes

 How foolish is the man who lets time pass sterilely. Goethe considered that time is a limited and unrepeatable resource.

Time is short quotes
Time is short quotes

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