Archivo de la etiqueta: love quotes inspirational

Motivational quotes in islamic

Motivational quotes in islamic 365 Phrases that will help you think and be a little 320. When we learn to love what we do, life takes care that let us always have interesting and creative occupations. 321.In life we have come to learn, each one has their subjects individuals and the situations that happen to… Leer más »

Motivational snoopy inspirational quotes

Motivational snoopy inspirational quotes 257. Wanting is not depending: Love others, but do not let yourself be dominated, manipulate and do not depend on anyone. Wanting should be a natural act and spontaneous, so there is no room for absorption –Ramiro Calle. 258. Drink because you are happy, but never because you are unhappy. –… Leer más »

Motivation twitter quotes

Motivation twitter quotes Motivational phrases of life: “Time is your most important resource. You can do so much in ten minutes. Ten minutes, once passed, were gone forever. Ten minutes is not just one sixth of an hour. Divide your life into units of ten minutes and waste as few as possible on meaningless activities”:… Leer más »

Peaky blinders motivational quotes

Peaky blinders motivational quotes April 1: “Price is what you pay, value is what you get”: Warren Buffett April 2: “Never spend your money before you have it”: Thomas Jefferson April 3: “I owe my success to respectfully listening to the best advice, and then disappearing and doing the exact opposite”: G. K. Chesterton Motivational… Leer más »

Joker motivational quotes

Joker motivational quotes January 26: “Our greatest glory does not consist in never having fallen, but in having risen after each fall”: Confucius January 27: “The most important thing to do if you are in a hole is to stop and dig”: Warren Buffett Motivational quote coloring pages January 28: “I hate how people think… Leer más »

Motivational madea inspirational quotes

Motivational madea inspirational quotes Are you looking to cheer yourself up? After reading these 100 motivational phrases, you will surely find inspiration in one of them. Whatever your situation (student, entrepreneur, unemployed, employed, at home, retired), at some point you need a little help to move forward with your projects and your dreams, and those… Leer más »

Motivational quotes for phone wallpaper

Motivational quotes for phone wallpaper 30- ‘People say that motivation does not last. Well of course! A shower doesn’t last either, that’s why we bathe every day’ – Zig Ziglar. 31- ‘Do not dream of success. Work to reach him’ – Estée Lauder. 32-‘It does not matter how many times you are wrong or how… Leer más »

Twitter motivation quotes

Twitter motivation quotes August 25: “It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop”: Confucius August 26: «Success is not achieved only with special qualities. It is above all a work of perseverance, method and organization»: Victor Hugo August 27: “Don’t be ashamed of your failures, learn from them and start… Leer más »

Motivational quotes in islam

Motivational quotes in islam Short motivational phrases: “Optimism is the quality most associated with success and happiness”: Brian Tracy March 18: “It took me 20 years to become successful overnight”: Woody Allen March 19: “Risking more than others think is safe. Dreaming more than others think is practical”: Howard Schultz March 20: “Earning money itself… Leer más »