Simple positive quotes

por | 26 agosto, 2021

Simple positive quotes

Simple positive quotes

    It is important to learn the lessons that failure leaves us, but it is also important to know how to learn and enjoy success.

Simple positive quotes
Simple positive quotes

    Do not worry about the difficulties you are going through, the more arduous the path, the more glory there is when finishing it.

Daily life phrases

    Fear can lead to success or failure, it all depends on how you allow it to affect your life. If you use the fear of failure and forgetting as a motor to be better, it can make you successful, but if you allow fear to act as a brake in your life, then it will lead you to failure.

    Life is very curious, you can spend whole years of your life without living at all and suddenly, all the meaning of life is condensed in an instant and in it, you discover that you are alive.

Simple positive quotes
Simple positive quotes

    Life is like a roller coaster ride, you just have to learn to enjoy the ecstasy of the climbs and the terror of the falls equally.

Positive captions

    No te angusties en el día a día, en cada hora, minuto y segundo existen razones para sonreír, si no puedes encontrarlos, abre bien tu corazón, de seguro encontrarás la razón en su interior.

Simple positive quotes
Simple positive quotes

    Laugh out loud when you want, laugh as much as your body allows, after all, it is the best way to live life, even when others judge you as crazy and scandalous.

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