Short quotes in French

por | 13 agosto, 2021

Short quotes in French

Short quotes in French : Not all of us have the facility to tell a person that we love them, I am someone shy, I do not normally show my feelings, all of this is true. That is why I have to tell you this, that when I saw you for the first time my life took a turn, since I became brave to confess in this letter that you are the love of my life and that I love you.

Short quotes in French
Short quotes in French

Short quotes in French

 • I am sure that it is not the first time that someone tells you how they feel about you, you are precious and therefore you deserve all the good things you have in life.

Short quotes in French
Short quotes in French

• I felt empty before looking into your eyes for the first time, I didn’t feel worthy of anything I had. Now I believe that someone has sent you to Earth to make me happy and for us to be together.

Short quotes for girls

• I confess that I am the one who sends you a bouquet of flowers every year in mid-February, until now I had never dared to confess to you how in love I have always been with you.

 • It’s funny how love changes everything, before I thought life was sad and gray, but now I see everything full of hope and color, and it was thanks to you.

Short quotes in French
Short quotes in French

 • If you ever feel sad, or need a shoulder to cry on, you know that I will always be by your side. I will never fail you, I love you.

Short quotes about

• When I think of the love I feel I always make myself happy, you are the one who brings joy to my life. That is why, among a thousand other reasons, I love you so strongly.

 • They say that love is blind, and I think they are right, because since you are in my life I cannot see beyond your beauty.

Short quotes in French
Short quotes in French

• In this writing I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you something that it is very difficult for me to confess out loud, that you are my love, my whole life, and that I do not know what I would do without you in the world. I love you madly, thank you very much for being with me and for loving me as I am.

Short quotes

 • I used to believe that love at first sight was a movie hoax. I have never been so glad to be so wrong. Thank you for being by my side, I love you. • You may not know me yet, you may not have realized that I exist, but I wanted to take advantage of this letter to confess something that I think every time I see you. I am totally in love with you and I would like you to give me a chance, I promise to make you happy every day of my life.

Short quotes in French
Short quotes in French

• Today we celebrate a very special day, one more year being my partner, one more year being the luckiest person in the world, one more year feeling that my life has meaning.

Short quotes in French

 • You can’t get to imagine how much you mean to me, before I met you I was totally lost in life and I didn’t know what my path was. Now I’ve found it because the only thing that matters is that we stick together, as long as we get that, everything else will be fine. Oid

Short quotes in French
Short quotes in French

• We are very different people, few people would be able to understand our love, but all that does not matter since we have the most important thing in common, that we love each other madly.

 • I need you in my life, time continues to pass and I am increasingly aware that life does not exist without you by my side.

Short quotes hope

• The best thing about every day are those first two seconds of the morning when I realize, one more day, that I’m sleeping next to you and that we love each other like the moment we met. Thanks for making me so happy.

Short quotes in French
Short quotes in French

Short quotes hope

 • I have always thought that you were a thief for having stolen my heart, but then I realized that we are made for each other, since I also stole yours frases

Short quotes hope faith

. • People really like to comment on things they don’t understand, that we are very different, that we don’t fit in, that we’re too cloying, that we’re not going to last … all of this gives me more strength to continue with you every day, since that shows that they are envious of our happiness, and that there is nothing that can make us lose our love.

Short quotes hope and sayings

Short quotes in French
Short quotes in French

 • From the first day our relationship has been something special, first we were friends, then our paths separated … and now that we have reunited we are more in love than ever. Thanks for being by my side.

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