Positive quotes for the job
Positive quotes for the job , Does it happen to you that many days you wake up without energy, discouragement takes hold of you and you see your goals move away?
Don’t worry, it happens to all of us. The routine, the excess of obligations or our own fears, undermine our morale and separate us from our objectives, preventing us from succeeding in our projects.

To solve this we have compiled for you a lot of infallible motivational phrases to quiet your mind and gain confidence.
Léelas, e imprime o memoriza aquellas que más te gusten, así podrás llevarlas siempre contigo para repetirlas como un “Mantra” cuando lo necesites.
Discover the habits and mentality that will allow you to achieve everything you set your mind to
Motivational phrases
Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.
Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.
Haz más de lo que te suma y aléjate de lo que te resta.

Que tus sueños sean siempre más grandes que tus miedos.
Anything you can imagine, you can create.
Sometimes changing makes us free.
An end point is sometimes the best starting point
Phrases of happiness
Every day brings a new opportunity. Take advantage of it.
The end is the beginning of something else.
When you stop chasing the wrong things, the right things get you.
There are times when ignoring is responding intelligently.
Positive quotes for girls
More than a perfect life, you want a happy life.
We must learn to flow with life without putting so many obstacles on ourselves.
Learn to live in harmony with everything around you.
Your life can change in a second. Do what you love!
Never lose the ability to surprise yourself.

Something wonderful is yet to come.
The silence is full of answers.
Positive quotes images
Phrases of improvement and personal success
Phrases of Overcoming and Personal Success
Change is the constant of the universe.
Make each of your steps make sense.
Find happiness in the little things that happen every day.
Today is a good day to make decisions.
Self Love Phrases
You have already learned to be strong, now it is your turn to be happy.
Nobody is like me and that is my power.
They will criticize you for everything. You live.
You can more than you imagine. You are worth more than you think.
I want, I can and I deserve it.
I embrace my imperfections that make me perfect
Love yourself, you are going to need yourself.
Fill your pockets with self-love every day.
You are made of stardust. You are here to shine.

It shines. And whoever bothers to cover his eyes.
I will create the life I deserve, no matter how many fears it takes.
When you accept your flaws, no one can use them against you.
Remember to be compassionate to the most important person in your life: You
They may steal your ideas, but never your talent. FRASES DE AMOR
Everything you give you are giving to yourself.
El amor propio llena los vacíos que dejaron otros.
Tu tiempo de ser oruga ya finalizó ¡Tus alas están listas!