Archivo de la etiqueta: Life quotes success

Family quotes for instagram

Family quotes for instagram Family quotes for instagram , The true joy that is enjoyed as a family is not something superficial, it does not come from things, from favorable circumstances … true joy comes from the deep harmony between people, that everyone experiences in their hearts and that makes us feel the beauty of… Leer más »

Life quotes deep breath

Life quotes deep  breath         You are worth as much as your last work. – Jesús Hermida.         All that we are is the result of what we have thought; it is founded on our thoughts and it is made of our thoughts. – Buddha.         All truths are easy to understand once discovered; the… Leer más »

Life quotes deep sleep

Life quotes deep sleep         Whoever is not with me is against me. – Jesus Christ.         I alone cannot change the world, but I can throw a stone into the water to create many ripples. – Mother Teresa of Calcutta.         Do not attack those who are weaker than you. To those who are… Leer más »

Life quotes deep thoughts

Life quotes deep thoughts Focus on yourself first and make the appropriate changes. Do not let these phrases and words stay there, plant them in your heart and make them flourish, bear fruit that is demonstrated with actions. Everything that generates a change in mind generates a change in attitude . Life quotes deep thoughts… Leer más »

Life quotes deep feelings

Life quotes deep feelings Life quotes deep feelings, The deep sentences are those that make us think or feel deep within us those words mentioned by famous people in our history. These phrases touch on topics such as love, life, self-improvement, reflection on various topics, motivation, and many other categories. Today we have brought a… Leer más »

Life quotes deep but true

Life quotes deep  but true      I consider the one who conquers his desires more courageous than the one who conquers his enemies, since the hardest victory is the victory over oneself. – Aristotle.         If you think you are not proud it means that you are. – CS Lewis. Life quotes deep  but true… Leer más »

Life quotes deep meaning

Life quotes deep meaning Life quotes deep meaning At some point in our life we ​​find ourselves in the need to look for deep phrases , words, famous sayings that help us to surface or explore hidden feelings, feelings that we have in the depths of our soul. and life quotes deep     “I like… Leer más »

Life quotes deep short

Life quotes deep  short         Love and desire are two different things; that not everything that is loved is desired, nor everything that is desired is loved. – Miguel de Cervantes.         In the soul, as in the ground, it is not the most beautiful flowers that take the deepest roots. – CS Lewis.        … Leer más »

Life quotes deep meaningful

Life quotes deep  meaningful         Life quotes deep  meaningful, What we like to think of ourselves and what we are rarely have much in common. – Stephen King.         Sometimes you have to hurt loved ones. – CS Lewis.         The desire to possess someone to whom you cannot give anything wears out the heart.… Leer más »