Quirky quotes
Quirky quotes, -Don’t give up on your dreams, keep sleeping.
-Working is not bad, the bad thing is having to work.-Don Ramón.
-I found a way to look thin: surround myself with fat people.
-I love you, but far my.
-If drunks ruled us, we would have double everything.
For friends
Quirky quotes
-I wanted to give you a gift, but my wallet wouldn’t let me.
-As your best friend, I will always pick you up when you fall, after I finish laughing.
-If our smartphone falls, we cry. If our friend falls, we laugh.
funny new year quotes
-My friend, remember that without stupidity there would be no intelligence, and without ugliness there would be no beauty, so the world needs you after all.
-Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
-I’m sorry for the bad, horrible and true things that I told you.
-If people are talking bad about you behind your back, then fart yourself.
Funny romantic quotes
-Good friends don’t let their friends do stupid things alone.
-Our friendship will last forever. You know too many details of my life.
-My life would be the same without you, but I still thank you for being my friend.
-It is difficult to find someone intelligent, attractive, sweet and who is a good friend, you must be happy to meet me.
Of the life
-Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.
-What do I do for a living? Inhale and exhale.
funny quotes about marriage
-Sunglasses: allow you to look at people without being caught. It is like Facebook in real life.
-When you are in love it is the most glorious two and a half days of your life.
-If life gives you lemons, try to find someone to whom life gives vodka and have a party.
-Sexual inactivity is dangerous, it produces horns.
-There are only three things women need in life: food, water and compliments.
-The only thing I regret in this life is not being someone else.-Woody Allen.
-I do not believe in life after death, although I will take a change of underwear.-Woody Allen.
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