Positive thoughts quotes

por | 26 agosto, 2021

Positive thoughts quotes

Positive thoughts quotes , I never think of the consequences of missing a great shot… when you think of the consequences you are thinking of a negative result. Michael Jordan

Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I’ll remember Involve me and I’ll learn it. Benjamin Franklin

Positive thoughts quotes

The only ones interested in changing the world are pessimists, because optimists are delighted with what there is. Jose Saramago

I am grateful to everyone who said no to me. Thanks to them I am doing it for myself. Albert Einstein

Positive quotes for girls

You have to know what you want; when you know, you have to have the courage to say it, and when you say it, you need to have the courage to do it. Marcel mart

El amor es ese micro-momento de calidez y conexión que compartimos con otro ser vivo. Barbara L. Fredrickson. 14 frases muy positivas para empezar el día mejor

Nadie se desembaraza de un hábito o de un vicio tirándolo de una vez por la ventana; hay que sacarlo por la escalera, peldaño a peldaño. Mark Twain

Positive quotes for students

El alma es como una ciudad sitiada: detrás de sus muros resistentes vigilan los defensores. Si los cimientos son fuertes, la fortaleza no tendrá que capitular. Epiceto

Every day I look at myself in the mirror and ask myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am going to do today?” If the answer is “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. Steve Jobs

There is a motive force more powerful than steam, electricity, and atomic energy: the will. Albert Einstein

Having a positive attitude is asking yourself how something can be done, rather than saying it can’t be done. Bo Bennett.

Positive quotes bible

Discard sadness and melancholy. Life is kind, it has only a few days and only now are we to enjoy it. Federico García Lorca.

The best way to forget the bad things in life is to learn to remember the good things. Mark Amend

Learn to smile in any situation. Take it as an opportunity to express your strength. Joe Brown.

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