Poems about life
Heartbreak poems are poetic expressions that encapsulate pain, sadness, and loss in love. Some, like that of Jorge Luis Borges, reflect the anguish of a wounded heart, the traces of a love that fades and the mixed emotions that arise after a breakup. These verses convey the beauty and complexity of a universal feeling, offering comfort and understanding to those going through the difficult process of healing a broken heart.

56. Absence, Jorge Luis Borges
Short poems about life
I will have to raise the vast life that even now is your mirror: Every morning I will have to rebuild it. Since you walked away, how many places have become vain and without meaning, the same, to lights in the day.
Afternoons that were a niche for your image, music in which you always waited for me, words of that time, I will have to break them with my hands.
Poems about life and love
In what hollow will I hide my soul, so that I don’t see your absence, that like a terrible sun, without setting, shines definitive and ruthless?
Your absence surrounds me like the rope around the throat, the sea to which it sinks.
57. Rosario -José Martí

I thought of you, of your hair, Advertising – Continue reading below
That the shadow world would envy, And I put a point of my life into them
And I wanted to dream that you were mine.
I walk the earth with my eyes, Raised, oh my desire!, to such a height
That in haughty anger or miserable blushes, The human creature lit them.
Poems about life struggles
Live: Know how to die; that’s how it afflicts me, This unfortunate search, this fierce good,
And all the Being in my soul is reflected, And searching without faith, I die of faith!
58. The Lover – Alejandra Pizarnik
This gloomy mania of living, this hidden humor of living, Alejandro is dragging you, don’t deny it.
Today you looked in the mirror, and it was sad for you, you were alone, the light roared the air sang, but your loved one did not return, you will send messages you will smile, you will shake your hands so it will come back
Poems about life and death
your beloved so loved, you hear the crazy siren that stole it, the ship with foam beards, where the laughter died, do you remember the last hug, oh no worries, laugh in the handkerchief cry out loud, but close the doors of your face.

So that they don’t say later that that woman was you the days haunt you they blame you for the nights your life hurts so much desperate, where are you going? desperate, nothing more!
Poems, love poems, Poems about life, for kids, quotes, short poems, poetry poems,